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Yoga Poses for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy

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Numerous unpleasant symptoms might be caused by digestive issues. Our quality of life depends on having a healthy digestive system, and there are several things we can do to promote digestive function. Though they are not the sole component, the meals we eat play a significant role in the digestive process. A well-balanced diet customized for your unique body type will enhance the absorption of nutrients, maintain a thriving gut microbiota, and facilitate the removal of waste products. Furthermore, we can influence the digestive system by stimulating activity in the digestive organs and promoting relaxation in the nervous system with practices such as yoga, which support healthy digestion.

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Importance of Doing Yoga for Digestion 

Yoga for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy - KreedOn
Source: Real Simple

Good digestion is vital for general health because it helps the body to properly absorb nutrients and remove waste. Yoga, an ancient practice that includes physical postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness, can be an effective technique for naturally improving digestion. In this article, we will look at how yoga may help with digestion and present a sequence of yoga postures and breathing methods to help keep your gut healthy.

Understanding Digestion 

Image Source-Sequence Wiz

Food must be broken down into nutrients the body can absorb during the intricate process of digestion. Enzymes in the mouth begin the process of food digestion, which continues in the stomach and small intestine. To produce energy, eliminate waste, and absorb nutrients, the digestive system must function at its best. Indigestion, constipation, and bloating are symptoms of poor digestion.

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Yoga and Digestion

Yoga is an integrated approach to health that enhances internal processes like digestion in addition to physical flexibility. It benefits gut health in a variety of ways:

Reduction of Stress: Stress can disrupt digestion by causing the body to go into “fight or flight” mode, which causes blood to be drawn away from the digestive system. Deep breathing and meditation are two yoga techniques that help to release stress and create an atmosphere that is better for digestion.

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Enhanced Blood Flow: Several yoga poses promote blood flow to the belly, which helps the digestive system function better.

Strengthening Core Muscles: Poses that engage the core help develop abdominal muscles, which can enhance peristalsis (the wave-like contractions of the intestines that transport food through the digestive tract).

Twisting positions: Yoga positions that include twisting can massage the internal organs, aiding in the discharge of toxins and stimulating digestion.

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Types of Yoga Poses for Good Digestion

Best Yoga Poses for Digestion
Plough Pose
Frog Pose
Seated Forward Bend
Classical Cobra posture
Bow Pose
Half spinal twist
Corpse Pose
Supine Twist
Downward Dog


Yoga for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy - KreedOn
Source: Yoga Journal

Headstand, also known as Shirshasana, is an inversion that stimulates the parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode (as long as the position is pleasant and not stressful for you). This improves digestion and hormonal balance while also relieving colonic gravitational constriction.

Plough Pose

Yoga for Constipation & Digestive Health | KreedOn
Source: Yoga Journal

Another inversion that relaxes the pressure of gravity on the colon and initiates the rest and digest mode is the Plough Pose, also known as Halasana. Massaging the visceral organs also causes compression. Fresh blood will rush into the organs as soon as the compression is relieved.

Frog Pose

Source: The Yoga Collective

Mandukasana, or Frog Pose, stimulates the digestive system by compressing the body. To practice, place your clinched fists where your thighs and abdomen meet while kneeling and sitting on your heels. Breathe in to open the chest, then exhale as you bend forward to place your forehead on the ground to begin the posture.

Seated Forward Bend

Yoga for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy - KreedOn
Source: Yoga Journal

Seated Forward Bend, also known as Paschimotthasana, is a revitalizing sitting position that stimulates the digestive tract through the squeeze-and-release mechanism. This motion helps digestion, removes toxins, and alleviates constipation.

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Classical Cobra posture

Source: The Art of Living

Classical Cobra posture, or Bhujangasana, is a helpful posture for stimulating the digestive system by applying pressure to the abdominal organs as well as activating the Manipura Chakra to balance the functioning of the digestive organs. It may induce bowel spasms and treat constipation.

Bow Pose

Yoga for Constipation & Digestive Health | KreedOn
Source: Yoga Journal

Bow Pose, also known as Dhanurasana, is a strenuous practice that tones and strengthens the digestive organs through abdominal pressure. This position also affects the Solar Plexus Chakra, bringing the digestive system back into balance.

Half spinal twist

Yoga for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy - KreedOn
Source: Yoga Journal

Another posture that stimulates the Manipura Chakra while massaging and compressing the digestive tract and organs is termed Ardha Matsyendrasana, or half spinal twist. This posture is particularly beneficial for newcomers or those with limited mobility.

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Corpse Pose

Yoga for Constipation & Digestive Health | KreedOn
Source: The Yoga Collective

Corpse Pose, also known as Shavasana, is a calming yoga pose that helps with digestion and is typically done at the start or finish of a practice. Corpse Pose promotes parasympathetic activation, which eases digestion and creates a happier, healthier gut by calming the nervous system.

Supine Twist

Yoga for Digestion | Namaste to a Happier Tummy - KreedOn
Source: YogaUOnline

Place one leg up to your chest while lying on your back. then bring that knee up to the front of your body and bring it down to the other side. To deepen the stretch, use the opposite side hand to gently push your knee or thigh while maintaining the other arm extended out to the side.

Downward Dog

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Source: Wikipedia

Assume a plank stance with your hands shoulder-width apart. Raise and lower your hips while bringing your heels as close to the floor as you can. (You should be using the floor as the base of an upside-down triangle.) Stretch your entire body by lowering your head, pushing your shoulders away from your ears, and taking long breaths.


Yoga offers a comprehensive approach to improving digestion by reducing stress, enhancing circulation, and strengthening core muscles. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can significantly contribute to better gut health. To get the full benefits of these practices, keep in mind that consistency is essential and that it could take some time. Combine yoga with a balanced diet, hydration, and proper meal timing for optimal digestive health. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, these techniques can benefit anyone seeking to achieve a healthier digestive system and a happier, more vibrant life.

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What are the best yoga poses for a healthy digestive system?

Yoga poses that support digestive health include Apanasana (Knees-to-Chest), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), and Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes). These poses gently massage and stretch the abdominal area, aiding digestion, relieving gas, and promoting overall digestive well-being.

How often should I practice yoga for digestive health?

For digestive health, practicing yoga 3-5 times a week is beneficial. Consistency is key; however, even occasional practice can offer some relief and improve digestion.

How can yoga help alleviate constipation?

Yoga can stimulate the digestive system, increase blood flow to the abdominal area, and promote relaxation, which aids in relieving constipation.

What are the best yoga poses for relieving constipation?

Effective poses include Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose), Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose), and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend).

Is yoga effective for reducing stress-related digestive problems?

Yes, yoga is effective for reducing stress-related digestive problems. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and improves the mind-gut connection, which can alleviate symptoms of stress-related digestive issues.

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