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Top 25 Best Protein Bars | Meet your daily protein requirements with a quick bite

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Everyone in their day-to-day life needs protein. Be it a person with a desk job or a person who has an uphill of physical work. To perform these tasks with full energy, you need fuel in the body. The fuel comes from food that is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fats, fibers, and protein. In this article, we will see the top 25 best protein bars.

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Why is protein important?

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People always have a question, if carbs and fats also provide you energy, then why is there an extra emphasis on protein and not on these two? Carbs and fats do provide energy and both are as important as protein. However, these two, if not consumed appropriately, will be stored in the form of fat (the same fat you want to shred away)

Protein, however, is never stored in the body. It gets converted into amino acids, which are then absorbed by the body. This amino acid repairs and heals the muscle tears in such a way that they would not get torn. In simple words, they increase the size of the muscle. After all these processes, the body’s protein level drops to low and that’s why protein consumption always gets more importance than other nutrients. 

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Plant Based Protein Powder- KreedOnREAD | Top 20 Best Plant Based Protein Powder | Stay Fit In A Healthy Way

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What is a protein bar?

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A protein bar means a bar rich in protein and has a low amount of carbs. The protein bar just looks like a Cadbury, but it is far healthier. A normal person with a normal life does not need a protein bar because he or she is fulfilling the bare minimum need for protein through their daily food. The bare minimum is around 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

However, athletes and gym geeks have a higher requirement for protein and regular food is not enough to fulfill the need. They need way more than 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. And that’s where the protein bar comes into the picture.

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Complete list of top 25 best protein bars for muscle gain | Healthiest protein bars

Sr. NoHealthiest protein bars
2.The Whole Truth Bars
3.Rite Bite Bars
4.HYP Sugarfree
5.Muscleblaze Energy Bars
7.Monkey Bar
8.Gatorade Whey Protein Recover Bars
9.Quest Nutrition

Whey91 Choco Fudge


RiteBite Max Protein Daily


RiteBite Max Protein Daily Choco Berry


Hyp Lean Sugarfree


Yogabar 20g No Added Sugar


Trekk Blueberry Cheesecake


Yogabar Breakfast Protein Variety


The Whole Truth


HYP Sugarfree




Abbzorb Protein Bar Choco Almond


Yogabar Breakfast Protein Blueberry Bars


BarADay Hearty Bite Energy Bars


HYP Meal Replacement Whey Protein


HYP Protein Bar – Meal Replacement


Yogabar 20 gram Protein Bar Almond Fudge

Yogabar – best protein bars for muscle gain

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Yogabar protein bar packets generally weigh about 50-60 grams. The packet consists of 6, 10, or 12 bars in it. Depending upon your need, the bars either can be of the same flavor or a different flavor. The protein is derived from natural sources like nuts, seeds, and whole grains like oats, millets, quinoa, and brown rice.

These are without any preservatives & artificial sweetenersNot any particular cons
One serving has around 5 grams of protein 
It can be consumed chilled or warm 


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The Whole Truth Protein Bars

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The bars generally have two packs. One of 27 grams and the other of 53 grams. They generally come in packets of 6, 8, 10, and 24. Most importantly, it has no added sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, no gluten or soy, and no added flavor or color. Their mini packets are very useful as you can just pocket them and have protein-rich food anytime and anywhere.

Everything is clearly mentioned on the product, i.e. full transparencyExpensive
Mini packs are best while traveling 


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Rite Bite – best protein bars for muscle gain

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Rite Bite Protein Bars perhaps provide the highest amount of protein per protein bar. Well, they provide around 30 grams per serving. They procure their protein from concentrates, like whey protein concentrate, soy concentrate, soy nuggets, and calcium caseinate. It is completely healthy and a single pack can have 6,10,12,24 bars inside.

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30 grams of protein per servingA long list of ingredients can be deterring to some buyers
Contains healthy ingredients like flaxseeds, cashews, almonds, raisins, and consciously sourced dark chocolate. 
Price is reasonable 


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HYP Sugarfree healthiest protein bars

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The company is quite new to the market but has been faring well. The company’s main product or feature can be its sugar-free protein bars. Indians do suffer from sugar-related problems in a big way and the fact of being sugar-free has attracted the attention of Indians. Their protein blend is derived from high-quality milk and whey protein.

The 40-gram bar contains around 10 grams of protein, which isn’t a bad choice to have. Not to mention, the sugar-free status makes it the best product for diabetic patients.

Sugar-free protein barShelf life is very less
Derived from high-quality milk and whey protein 
No additives 


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Muscleblaze Energy Bars – best protein bars for muscle gain

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Muscleblaze has been one of the top companies when it comes to health and protein-rich products. They do get the utmost respect in the fitness industry. Despite being a veteran in this field, they were slightly late in launching the protein bars.

The protein is derived from whey protein isolate. They have a sweet flavor but without any sugar. The bar is also enriched with vitamins and minerals which makes it stand out from the rest.

Reputation of companyDespite the reputation, Muscleblaze’s protein bar hasn’t got the expected success
Protein derived from whey protein isolate 
No added sugar 


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Novkafit Protein bars – healthiest protein bars

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Novkafit protein bars are very unique as they derive protein from organic honey. The Novkafit protein bar could be a great option if you are short of financial resources. They have recently come out with a chocolate flavor that has a herbal blend of moringa, ashwagandha, spirulina, flaxseeds, and alfalfa in it. The bar is rich in carbohydrates and has zero cholesterol.

Budget-friendlyLow fiber content
Derives protein from organic honey 
zero cholesterol 


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Monkey Bar

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Monkey bar has an intriguing story. A couple started to make their own protein bar. Their colleagues and relatives liked them and they decided to dive into this field with full dedication. Well, that’s how the Monkey bar brand was founded.

Handmade, protein-rich, and consciously sourced ingredients are at the core of the brand.  To all the Indian’s surprise, they are customized as per Indian flavors. They have a special flavor called Kesar Thandai which is to be consumed in a hot and humid Indian atmosphere.

Customized as per Indian flavorsComparatively low protein content
Minimally processed 
Protein is derived from nuts, oats, seeds, and natural whey protein. 


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Gatorade Whey Bars

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Gatorade is a big company and has been associated with top-flight sports leagues, be it cricket, football, or American sports. Gatorade is obviously more famous for its energy drinks. They also have protein bars in addition to their energy drinks electrolytes.

Despite being a product, pb always get overshadowed by energy drinks. Anyway, they are scientifically developed for athletes, and hence it is an excellent option if you are lacking protein.

Reputed companyExpensive
Scientifically developed protein bars for athletesToo much sweet to taste


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 Quest Nutrition Protein Bars

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Quest Nutrition Protein Bars could be the best option for athletes and sportspersons. They are on the expensive side, but definitely worth investing in it. They don’t have any sugar content, but they are sweet thanks to stevia and sucralose.

This protein bar provide a high amount of protein and can also boost calorie intake. Overall, Quest Nutrition Protein Bar is not a bad option to have.

Specially made for athletes and sportspersonsExpensive
No sugarSlightly higher fat content
Boosts the calorie intake 

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Energy drinks- KreedOnRead More | Indian Sports & Energy Drinks: Market Size, Growth, Top Manufacturers

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