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Rev Up Your Routine with These Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises | Know its Various Benefits

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We’ve always been told to do some sort of warmup exercise before indulging in any game. The warmup exercises are a crucial part of any game of sports or training program. The importance of a warmup exercise should not be underestimated as it can prevent any big injury from happening. In this blog, we will look at different warmup exercises/workouts and how to do them. Also find out various benefits of doing warm-up exercises.

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A proper warmup exercise has several necessary key components. The components should all work together to produce maximum output for the individual indulging in specific sports or fitness programs and minimize the risk of injuries from any physical activity.

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What are Warm up Exercises?

Broadly speaking, warmup is simply to indulge in exercise or practice especially before entering a game or contest to eliminate the risk of injuries as much as possible.

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Benefits of Warmup Exercise

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Warmup exercise helps our body be ready for more activity of more intensity and makes it easier to move our joints. A few of the most important benefits of a warmup include:

S.NBenefits of warm up exercisesDetails
1Increases flexibilityMake our body more flexible so it is easier to move and exercise correctly afterward.
2Lower risk of injuryAfter warming up the muscle does not remain stiff which is useful & can lead to less injury-rested Source
3Increases blood flow and oxygenProper blood flow helps in the functioning of muscles before launching into more intense work.
4Improves performanceIt affects our mindset and skillset too which results in better performances.
5Better range of motionHaving a greater range of motion can enable joints to move with more freedom.
6Better MetabolismIncreased blood flow betters the metabolism of the body.
7Improves muscles elasticityWarming up increase the temperature of the body which increases the muscles flexibility
8Motivates to workoutWarming up releases happy hormones which motivate to work out more
9Enhances adaptability to trainThe body gets adapted to the weather conditions before intense training
10Reduces muscles tensionBody muscles become more relaxed & ready for training due to workout

The 4 Key Components of a Warmup exercise

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Identifying and executing the components of an effective and safe warm-up in the correct order is critical and beneficial.

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Four key components of a warmup that should be practiced before physical activity to ensure an effective and complete warm-up are:

S.NComponents of warmup
1General warm-up exercise
2Static stretching
3Sport-specific warmup exercise
4Dynamic stretching/ Dynamic warmup exercise

General warmup exercise

Light physical activity such as walking, running, skipping, or simple aerobics make up the general warm-up. The athlete determines the intensity and duration of the general warm-up, but it usually does not take long. A general warm-up should take approximately 10 minutes and result in a mild sweat for the average individual.

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The general warm-goal up’s is to simply raise the heart rate and breathing rate. This will aid with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles by increasing blood flow. This also helps to raise the muscle’s temperature, allowing for a more efficient static stretch.

Static stretching | warmup workout

Static stretching can be called Short-hold stretching exercises. The duration of these holds stretches around 10 – 15 seconds. This is an effective form of basic stretching. There is limited movement in these exercises and mainly is performed for overall flexibility. During this part of the warm-up, it should work for all the major muscle groups, and this entire session should last around five to ten minutes.

Sport-specific warm up exercises

It is now safe to move on to the third stage of an effective warm-up after completing the first two parts thoroughly and precisely. The athlete is preparing their body for the conditions of their particular sport in this section. More strenuous activities should be used during this part of the warm-up. Sports-specific exercises and technical drills should be included in the activities to mimic the kind of motions and actions that would be necessary during the sporting event.

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Dynamic stretching | Warmup Workout 

A proper warm-up should conclude with a set of vigorous stretches. However, if done incorrectly, this type of stretching increases the danger of damage. After a moderate to a high level of general flexibility has been achieved, dynamic stretching is most beneficial.

Dynamic stretching includes moving a body component to the limit of its range of motion with a controlled, gentle bounce or swinging action. The bounce or swing’s force is progressively increased, but it should never become extreme or uncontrollable. Please get training and supervision from a competent sports coach or trainer if you have never done any dynamic stretching before.

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It’s also vital to retain the dynamic stretches relevant to the athlete’s sport throughout this final phase of a productive warm-up. This is the last phase of the warm-up, and it should lead to the athlete’s physical and mental peak. The athlete is best equipped for the demands of their sport or activity at this phase.

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Warmup Exercise List

S.NoName of warm up exercises
2Side lunges
4Jogging Leg Lifts
5Triceps Warmup exercises
6Torso twists
7Ankle circles
8Standing side bends
9Lateral shuffle
10Butt kickers
11Hip rotations
12Arm swings
13Shoulder rotations
14Jumping jacks
15Slow walk/Jog

Squats | Warmup Workout

Squats are a flexible exercise that works a variety of lower-body muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

By squatting halfway down, you can make the initial few squats simpler. Then gradually raise the effort until you’re doing complete squats for the last few reps.

You may increase the intensity of your squats by gripping weights once you’ve warmed up.

How to do a squat?

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  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart, move your toes forward or slightly out to the side.
  • Slowly drop your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor, engaging your core and keeping your back straight.
  • Pause with your knees over, but not beyond, your toes for a little moment.
  • Exhale and stand up again.
  • Perform one to three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

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Side lunges | Warmup Workout

This workout strengthens your legs, glutes, and hips while working your lower body. Making the first few lunges simpler by merely going halfway down and then progressing to the full lunge is a good idea.

After you’ve warmed up, try a set with dumbbells or opposite hand reaches to enhance the challenge.

How to do a side lunge?

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  • Standing with your feet hip-width apart is a good idea.
  • As you step your left foot over to the left, press onto your right foot.
  • Squat down while maintaining your right leg straight and bending your left leg.
  • With your left knee bent over, take a quick pause. Return your left foot to the beginning position by lifting your hips.
  • Lie down on your right side and lunge. This is a single rep.
  • Perform 1–3 sets of 8–15 repetitions.

Pushups | Warmup Workout

The upper body, core, and glutes are all worked out in this traditional workout. You may do pushups on your knees to make them easier.

After you’ve warmed up, increase the effort by lingering for a few seconds in the lower position.

How to do a pushup?

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  • Place your palms flat on the floor and your hands shoulder-width apart in a high plank posture at the peak of a pushup. 
  • Maintain a neutral posture with your shoulders over your hands. 
  • Your feet should be together behind you and your back should be flat.
  • Reduce your body’s weight to the floor slowly. Allowing your torso or back to droop is not a good idea. During this action, your elbows may extend out.
  • Press up and straighten your arms once your chest or chin is close to touching the ground. To avoid hyperextension, keep your elbows slightly bent.
  • Perform 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

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Jogging Leg Lifts | Warmup Exercises 

Leg lifts during jogging can help your heart beat faster and increase circulation throughout your body.

You may jog in place or sprint back and forth, depending on how much room you have. Spend 30 seconds to 1 minute on each section of this workout. By walking at a slower speed, you can lessen the intensity of this workout.

How to do jogging leg lifts?

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  • Jog at a leisurely speed.
  • After roughly a minute, jog for at least 30 seconds while raising your knees toward your chest or kicking your feet upward toward your buttocks.
  • Return to a leisurely jogging speed.

Triceps Warmup exercise

This exercise involves various movements that can help loosen and warm up your triceps.

How to do a triceps warmup?

Warm-Up Exercise
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  • arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground, with your palms facing down.
  • Maintain a straight line with your arms and spin them in backward circles.
  • Rotate your arms in forwarding circles after 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Turn your palms forward and pump your arms back and forth after 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Rep the pulsating action with your palms facing backward after 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Perform 1 to 3 sets of these movements.

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What does warmup mean?

Broadly speaking, warmup is simply to indulge in exercise or practice especially before entering a game or any physical activity to eliminate the risk of injuries as much as possible.

What are 5 warm-up exercises?

Some of the common warm up exercises are:
1. Squats
2. Side lunges
3. Pushups
4. Jogging Leg Lifts
5. Torso twists

What are the benefits of warm-up exercises?

There are various benefits of warmup exercises:
>Reduces muscles tension
>Lower risk of injury
>Increases Flexibility
>Increases blood flow and oxygen
>Improves Performance
>Better range of motion
>Better Metabolism

Should I warm-up before squats?

Warming up before your squat session will help you squat with less risk of injury. It will also help you to lift heavier weights with less effort.

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