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The Art of Relaxation: Exploring Restorative Yoga Types and Benefits

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Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that promotes physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Restorative yoga is suitable for all abilities and is practiced at a leisurely pace, emphasizing lengthy holds, stillness, and deep breathing. Unlike more dynamic yoga forms like vinyasa or bikram, you may anticipate holding a posture for 5 minutes or more with just a handful of poses performed in one restorative yoga session. Continue reading to discover more about restorative yoga, postures to attempt, and the benefits of this gentle kind of yoga.

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Benefits of Restorative yoga

Source: Verywellfit

Many of the advantages of restorative yoga are comparable to those of other types of yoga. The following are key advantages that are backed by science:

  • Eases physical and mental tension: Restorative yoga has been linked to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol as well as decreased anxiety and tension.
  • Relaxes the neurological system: Healing yoga assists you in striking a balance between your parasympathetic nervous system, which governs relaxation, and your sympathetic nervous system, which controls your fight-or-flight reaction.
  • Improves your mood: Deep breathing and relaxation are encouraged by restorative yoga, which may lessen depressive symptoms.
  • Reduces chronic pain: Restorative Yoga can help alleviate discomfort connected with headaches, back pain, and osteoarthritis.
  • Improves sleep: Incorporating yoga into your daily practice may improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Increases happiness: Practicing yoga regularly may result in decreased weariness, more vigor, and enhanced well-being.
  • Gentle on your body: Restorative yoga is typically safe and often suggested for people who have acute or chronic ailments.
  • Immune System Support: Works as part of a comprehensive therapy approach for chronic health issues. People with chronic conditions can benefit from yoga. Yoga practitioners who had cancer reported reduced physical and psychological symptoms as well as improved quality of life.
  • It is safe to perform throughout pregnancy: Throughout pregnancy, restorative yoga is safe to practice and easy to adjust to. One of the best forms of exercise to do while pregnant is prenatal yoga.

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Poses for Restorative yoga

Restorative yoga postures are soft, supportive, and calming in nature. Props such as blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps are frequently used to provide additional support. Here are some examples of frequent restorative yoga poses:

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Supta Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Reclining Pose)

Source: Yoga Vastu

Lie on your back, bringing your feet’s soles together and letting your knees fall outward. Props can help you keep your legs and head comfortable.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

source: Yoga Journal

Kneel on the mat, then fold forward with your arms spread out in front of you or lying beside your body. To provide support, place supports beneath your brow or chest.

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Child’s Position with Support

Source: Active Birth Centre

This pose is similar to Child’s Pose, except instead of bending forward to support your upper body, place a bolster or stacks of blankets between your legs.

Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Source: Ekhart Yoga

Lying on your back, take a seat next to a wall and stretch your legs upward. Use folded blankets or a bolster to support your hips. This position of restorative yoga works on relaxing the body and encourages blood flow.

Supported bridge position

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Hugger Mugger Yoga

In the supported bridge posture, lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart. Elevate your hips and place a block or bolster below your sacrum for support.

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Corpse pose (savasana)

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Kerala tourism

With your hands pointing upward and your arms at your sides, lie on your back. For comfort, use supports like a blanket or eye cushion. For profound relaxation, this posture is frequently used after a yoga practice.

Supported Forwards Fold (Paschimottanasana)

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Arhanta Yoga

Place your legs out in front of you and sit down. Fold forward over your legs to circle your spine. Use layered blankets or a bolster to support your head and body.

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Supported reclining twist

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Yoga for Times of Change

Lean onto your back, bend your legs, and lower them to one side to do a supported reclining twist. For support, place cushions or a bolster beneath your knees. Continue on the other side.

Matsyasana (Supported Fish Pose)

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Shvasa Yoga & Meditation

Place a bolster along your spine and recline over it, allowing your head to rest on the floor. this promotes neck and chest opening.

Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder stand)

Restorative Yoga | KreedOn
Source: Verywell Fit

Place a folded blanket beneath your shoulders and raise your legs skyward. This is a more advanced restorative position that is necessary to provide good neck support.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I practice restorative yoga?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your personal needs and preferences. However, some general guidelines are to practice restorative yoga at least once a week, or more often if you are feeling stressed, tired, or overwhelmed.

How long should I hold each pose of restorative yoga?

The duration of each pose can vary depending on the level of comfort and relaxation you experience. A common range is from 5 to 20 minutes per pose.

What props do I need for restorative yoga? 

The props you need for restorative yoga are mainly used to support your body in a comfortable and relaxed position. The most common props are blankets, bolsters, and blocks, but you can also use pillows, cushions, towels, straps, eye pillows, or anything else that works for you.

What are the benefits of restorative yoga? 

Restorative yoga can help you reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia, improve your mood and immune system, balance your hormones and energy levels, and enhance your flexibility and recovery.

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